National Conservation Planning Partnership
This partnership was formed in FY 2015 to emphasize the critical role that conservation planning plays in advancing voluntary conservation efforts on private lands. Since then, NCPP has worked to “Reinvigorate Conservation Planning” by implementing goals and actions that support proven approaches, offer new tools, and expand training to enhance the ability of our workforce to deliver sound conservation planning assistance. The partnership is working together to provide national conservation leadership and help realize the common vision: “A productive nation in harmony with a quality environment.”
NCPP has developed a strategy that ensures our field staff have the right expertise, are stationed in the right locations, and have enough time to work one-on-one with our diverse customer base. We have been working with the help of four subcommittees to address training gaps, technology and tools, communication needs, accountability and partnerships — to ensure we are meeting our customers’ expectations for the challenges ahead in conservation and agriculture.
More information on the partnership can be found here.