Join us for the 2025 National Conference!
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North Coast RC&DC Youth Engagement Project Summary
North Coast RC&DC Youth Engagement Project Summary
Water Quality & 319 Grants
Please join the National Association of RC&D Councils and the Appalachian RC&D Council on Thursday, March 11 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time, in the fourth of an eight-part Peer-to-Peer Webinar Series highlighting special topics and projects of Councils across the...
Train Tomorrow’s Leaders: NARCDC Announces New Grant Opportunity
Funds are available for Councils to engage youth in technical training and career exploration by implementing curriculum recently developed by NARCDC.
Join us for a tour of GrantStation on Friday, February 26th at 11:00 AM CST
Learn more about how to make GrantStation work for your RC&D Council. This overview tour of GrantStation is a great resource for our Members to ensure that your RC&D are getting the most out of your Membership, and for potential Members to see GrantStation in...
NARCDC Capacity Report
NARCDC releases new report detailing capacity of local RC&D Councils to assist with outreach and technical support for the delivery of USDA Farm Bill Programs, with an emphasis of engaging underserved populations in NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program...
Who Are We
NARCDC builds relationships, cultivates partnerships, and designates resources to enhance the ability of RC&D Councils to provide leadership, education, conservation, and the development of natural and human resources to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of the communities they serve.
Click here to learn more.
Now, more than ever, rural America needs a strong federal/state/local partnership to expand opportunities for rural communities and their residents throughout every rural Congressional district and state to succeed. The NARCDC provides the connection that empowers more than one million volunteer citizens to serve their communities.